Category: Computer science areas
Holograms: concept, history and current events
We have all dreamed of seeing dinosaurs, or perhaps visiting the pyramids of Egypt, or including ourselves in a scene from our favorite movie. Science has developed thanks to these “dreams”, which in books and movies are called Science and Fiction. Today this technology already exists, and soon we will be able to make those…
Installation GNU Linux Ubuntu 20.04 from scratch step by step
Un elemento muy importante en nuestras computadoras es el sistema operativo, todos lo usan, pero ¿Realmente cuantos se han detenido a instalarlo desde cero o saben hacerlo?
Install VirtualBox “Guest Additions” in Microsoft Windows VM
An important step after installing an Operating System on a computer is the installation of hardware drivers (Drivers). In some cases, the operating system is capable of putting many of what is needed, but in others it is not. If you are interested in learning more about hardware drivers, you can click on the following…
Creating a virtual machine in VirtualBox for GNU Linux
In this guide, we are going to see how to create a Virtual Machine (VM) using VirtualBox to install GNU Linux Ubuntu on it. Building on the previous article (Installing VirtualBox on Microsoft Windows). Creating a VM for GNU Linux Ubuntu step by step. We start by opening the VirtualBox as shown in the previous…
Installing Microsoft Windows 10 from scratch step by step
Un elemento muy importante en nuestras computadoras es el sistema operativo, todos lo usan, pero ¿Realmente cuantos se han detenido a instalarlo desde cero o saben hacerlo?
Creating a virtual machine in VirtualBox for Microsoft Windows
In this guide, we are going to see how to create a Virtual Machine (VM) using VirtualBox to install Microsoft Windows 10 on it. Based on the previous article (Installing VirtualBox in Microsoft Windows). Creating a VM for Microsoft Windows 10 step by step. We start by opening the VirtualBox as shown in the previous…
Installing VirtualBox on Microsoft Windows
In this article, we will see how to install VirtualBox and some of its basic configurations on a Microsoft Windows system. In all versions of Microsoft Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11, Server) the procedure is the same. Download the VirtualBox Installer and Extension Pack The best place to download the installer and…
Introduction to VirtualBox. Its main features.
One of the most popular operating system virtualization tools is VirtualBox. This is currently developed by Oracle Corporation. It is a powerful tool that allows us to do infrastructure virtualization at the host level based on the x86 and amd64 architectures, running other operating systems (guest) at the same time on computer. This is…
Virtualization: Its types, advantages and hypervisors
What is virtualization? Virtualization is the technology that allows a technological resource to be represented by software, simulating its existence, in this way the programs will detect this resource as if it were real (physical). Pillars of virtualization What can be done with virtualization? Virtualization has many applications, with it, you can create virtual machines…
Hackers: their classifications, myths and realities
Within the branches of computing we find Computer Security, which is what tries to protect computer systems. As a counterpart to it is Ethical Hacking, which is the branch in charge of testing the mechanisms established by Computer Security, giving way to a new category of user, called hacker. There are many definitions of the…